364 Days from Thelema
Hope this first post on the brand new TheMurderCityDevils.com blog finds everyone well. We are very excited to report what is happening over here in Murder City. The first thing is the new website, which you already know about because you’re here. It’s just now coming together, so please check back every few days to find out what is happening. We are going to keep the posts coming, giving you insight not only into the history of the band, but more excitingly insight into what is coming up next for all of us.
One of the historical aspects of the new site is the daunting task we have undertaken of scanning all of the photos we have collected over the years on tour. Many were given to us, but even more were taken by all of us on the road. Take a look at our new flickr page, where there are hundreds up already, and more to follow. Head over to flickr.com/murdercitydevils to check it out. We’ll also be posting select photos here on the blog with more in depth stories and commentary.
We’ve also set up a twitter feed to keep people informed of news and posts. A lot of you may have heard of this site thru signing up on twitter already. If you haven’t signed up, it is a good way to keep informed as to the latest news. Just head over to twitter.com/murdercity.
And finally, I think this is the most exciting news…
The February 2009 Tour Dates

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