Author Archives: The Murder City Devils
Watch the Seattle show from ANYWHERE!
We haven’t been able to play a lot of shows, and are working on getting more schedule, but to celebrate the grand opening of the new Crocodile, we have partnered with Fly Machine to stream the Seattle show this Sunday. … Continue reading
Happy Halloween Zollo
Pre-order the limited addition Andrea Zollo Halloween Shirt. We will be sending this off to the printer November 15, and shipping as soon as they are printed. We are also printing more shirts, so get your order in now
New Patch!!!
Ace of Spades patch is coming in from the embroiderer now.
The Runners-up are…
We got a lot of interest in the other two shirts that did not win the online poll. So we have decided to make them available as well. Patches and Coozies are available again, as well as most other shirts, … Continue reading
… and the winner is: The Bat
We are running presale for the reissue of the classic bat shirt, and will be printing in about two weeks, and shipping when they come back. We are making it available for preorder in most sizes, let us know if … Continue reading
Cheaper prices / Quicker Shipping
Well we are stuck at home, so we will be able to get things out quicker. We have lowered prices and updated our in-stock numbers, to make the shopping experience smoother. As long as the USPS stays in operation, we … Continue reading
West Coast Show Posters
We have all the posters from the July and August West Coast shows up in the poster shop.
July 2019 West Coast Shows
We have 4 shows booked right now for July. Tickets for Seattle are available now, Portland/San Francisco are available starting tomorrow, Thursday April 18 at 10am PDT.
New Patch and My Laurels by Spencer Moody – Second Edition
Two items fresh from the printers, well the book came from the book printer, and the patch is from the embroiderer, but you get the idea.